Orthodontists Give Happiness

Orthodontists Give HappinessThis editorial was written by Patrice Connor, Circulation Manager of the Bentson Clark reSource, and previously published on LinkedIn.

Money is an echo of value. – Bob Burg

I have enjoyed getting to know Bob through his books and podcasts. I have even had the pleasure of visiting with him on the phone. He is a great inspiration in many ways.

One podcast in particular, with Lisa McLeod discusses selling with noble purpose…noble purpose. I thought about that for days. Can I use the word “noble” to describe anything I do? NO! The first time I thought about it I actually laughed. Ha!

Then I thought some more. My thoughts ran from the industry, orthodontics, to our company, to my bosses, what we do, how much I admire them for their knowledge of this industry, for the way they do things, our clients (orthodontists), how hard we all work to improve the lives of these doctors during the most important times in their lives, how lucky I am to be a part of a company where its leaders use integrity in all things, my role in all of it, leading to our publication. Therein lies my task – to increase its distribution – but how? Noble, there’s that word again.

I have learned so much about orthodontists, the industry, and the education, what it takes just to attain this level of education. I have read some great articles on outstanding doctors and practices in orthodontics. Many of them do wonderful things to help so many in and out of their communities. They are creative, smart, family-oriented and of course, they love kids. Still thinking about my role in all of it.

What finally hit me is really what should have been on my mind first and foremost – my children – three girls to be exact. Two of them wore braces. My youngest it seems wore braces for her entire childhood, well actually from about 5th grade through her freshman year in high school. Her teeth were a mess. She is now 21, absolutely beautiful, with four years of college behind her and a teaching degree to be coming soon. She has an amazing smile. I will NEVER forget the day her braces came off. As I write about it and any time I think about it, I tear up. Every time. The glow of happiness, confidence and satisfaction that was in her face, all because she had an orthodontist. Noble! What a profession, to be able to give that to someone especially a child. What a gift. Yes, the gift giver is noble, as is this profession.

I can proudly say that what we have to offer is a tool to assist these doctors, these givers of happiness, in managing their practice. I can also proudly say it is the best in the industry. In any field, staying on top of trends and data is extremely important. We can help with that. Orthodontists create beauty and happiness. What a job! Our tool is an aid to help them do what they do. Maybe there is some nobility there after all.

To learn more about this tool, the Bentson Clark reSourceclick here!