Hitting the Road to the SAO

Chris Bentson and Shannon Patterson have packed up the Bentson Clark & Copple booth and hit the road. Their destination? The Grove Park Inn located in beautiful Asheville, North Carolina – only three hours west of our Greensboro, North Carolina office. The Grove Park Inn is home to this year’s Southern Association of Orthodontists (SAO) Annual Meeting.

The meeting should be quite enjoyable for all attendees. Over 400 individuals are anticipated to be in attendance from the 11 states and 15 orthodontic programs in the SAO drawing area. A diverse variety of lectures are scheduled to be presented by doctors, consultants and industry insiders. Not to mention there will be wide range of special events at the meeting; including fly-fishing, a zip line tour, clay shooting and whitewater rafting. This meeting will have something for everyone.

We will be exhibiting in booth #605, so plan to stop by and say hello. We would love to provide you with a complimentary copy of the most recent edition of the Bentson Clark reSource.  Be sure to take advantage of our newsletter show special for orthodontists only.

We will also be happy to discuss any doctor’s plans for potential practice valuation/appraisal, a practice transition or any change of orthodontic ownership venture. If you are seeking to sell an orthodontic practice, be sure to pick up some of our materials and chat with us regarding your future plans.

However, if you are planning to purchase an orthodontic practice or seeking an associateship position, Shannon Patterson will be happy to register you in our database of practice opportunities. We will supply you with potential opportunity matches as they come to light, based on your specific geographic preferences and future ownership desires.

Chris Bentson will also be speaking twice within the exhibit hall during the event. Mark your itinerary to include at least one of his 30-minute presentations. Below is a schedule of his presentations and a link to download the lecture handouts.

Benchmarking Your Orthodontic Practice 
Blue Ridge Theater (front corner of the exhibit hall)
Friday, September 28 @ 12:30pm
This presentation will provide a brief overview regarding the business state, current trends and existing benchmarks of the orthodontic marketplace. Learn how these factors will affect orthodontists today and also how they will impact future plans.

The Process of Locating a Practice to Build, Join, Partner or Purchase 
Great Smokies Theater (back corner of the exhibit hall)
Saturday, September 29 @ 11:00am
This presentation is geared towards orthodontic residents and will focus on how to locate an orthodontic practice opportunity.