Save The Date: The First-Ever AAO Resident Twitter Chat

Plan to join us for the AAO‘s first-ever Resident Twitter Chat on Wednesday, August 13, 2014 (7:30 – 8:15pm CST). Chris Bentson will present the “Top 10 Questions to Ask to Be Successful After Residency.” He will address some frequently asked questions including, but not limited to the following:

  • Where should I practice?
  • Should I buy a practice or start one from scratch?
  • Will my student debt affect my ability to purchase a practice?

All AAO Student Members in attendance are welcome and encouraged to join in this open forum discussion! During this time, attendees will have the ability to chat with Mr. Bentson (and the AAO) directly from his/her Twitter account. No question about the business of orthodontics is off-limits during this 45-min chat. This event is FREE to attend and can be accessed anywhere with an Internet connection.


  1. Log into your Twitter account during the designated date and time from your desktop, smartphone or tablet.
  2. Search for #AAOchat to follow along.
  3. Participate in the discussion using #AAOchat in your tweets.

Save The Date: The First-Ever AAO Resident Twitter Chat