NESO: A Revolutionary Learning Experience

We’re heading north to attend the Northeastern Society of Orthodontists’ (NESO’s) 93rd Annual Meeting, November 6-9. This year’s meeting theme is Connecticut Still Revolutionary Orthodontics Is Evolutionary. We are honored and excited to be a part of this annual event that represents over 1,250 members from Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and the Canadian Provinces of Québec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland.

At this year’s event Bentson Clark & Copple will not only be exhibiting (booth #515), but Chris Bentson is honored to be a part of the “Joining, Acquiring, or Selling an Orthodontic Practice: Ask the Experts” presentation. This is a joint lecture from three of the orthodontic industry’s transition planning leaders: Chris Bentson, Roger Hill and Dr. Eric Ploumis. This two-part, half-day educational lecture is scheduled for Friday, November 7 from 1:30pm – 5:00pm (with a 30-min scheduled break).

Chris’ portion of this lecture will review the current consumer market for orthodontics and how it affects your practice positioning. His presentation will include a description of the transition process, an illustration of the relationships between key financial and operational data needed to examine practice health and a general review of overhead targets. In addition, a few of the current trends seen in today’s growing practices will be discussed.

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As mentioned above, plan to stop by our booth while attending the event. We will be happy to speak with you if you are considering the possibility of a practice valuation, practice transition, partnership, relocation or the sale of your complete/partial practice. If you are undecided about your future, we would be more than happy to discuss your options and help guide you in the best direction for your practice and future endeavors.