The second quarter edition of the Bentson Clark reSource is now available. Each quarter, the reSource orthodontic newsletter publishes articles regarding the current issues and concerns within the world of orthodontics. This edition features six articles offering a strong focus on the Millennial generation, providing an update on the CDC’s sterilization rules and discussing the impact of adult patients in regard to practice management. Below is a brief overview of each article included in the latest Bentson Clark reSource (Volume XI, Issue II).
Embracing The Next Generation of Orthodontics
By: Shannon Patterson, CPR, CMSR
In the growing world of orthodontics, older generations are retiring and Millennials are entering the orthodontic workforce. Millennials do have different needs, expectations and working styles than the previous generations – Silent Generation, Baby Boomers and Generation X. In Shannon Patterson’s article, she discusses the diversity of each generation’s viewpoints and identifies the factors impacting today’s orthodontic residents’ career choices. By understanding the Millennial mindset, skills and background, you will be able to better engage with them to make a difference in your practice and community.
The Associate Income Divide
By: Chris Bentson
Chris Bentson examines two different scenarios that the Bentson Clark & Copple team hears frequently – one from the new and younger doctor demographic and the other from the established orthodontic demographic. Presently, there is a wide divide between what a young or newly minted orthodontist can make working for a DSO versus the traditional solo or small group practice. It appears debt fatigue is driving much of this interest in employee positions versus ownership.
The Millennial Mom: Her Native Tongue is Technology
By: Brenda Ashwell
Did you know that one in five moms is a Millennial? Brenda Ashwell of PracticeGenius discusses how and why it is important to cater to Millennial mothers through the beauty of technology. She analyzes why it is important to focus on marketing strategies to reach these mothers, and how it can bring success to one’s orthodontic practice.
Millennial Moms: What to Know About This Tech-Savvy Generation
By: Maria T. Bailey
There is an estimated 83.1 million Millennials in the United States alone; 42 million of those are women and 13 million are mothers. Today’s generation of mothers want speedy service, information and answers. In addition, they are highly connected with the world around them. It is critical for anyone who plans to do business with this group of women to understand what drives the Millennial generation. Maria Bailey presents a brief overview of Millennial Mothers, how to communicate with them accordingly and how to stay connected.
Percentage of Adult Patients Impacts Practice Management
By: Dr. Bob Haeger
Dr. Bob Haeger discusses the importance of keeping track of adult exams/starts in one’s orthodontic practice. He provides information focused on five essential areas in practice management: attracting new patients, converting patients to starts, treatment, employee management and revenue and expenses. He also focuses on the importance of statistical and factual information to help a growing practice thrive.
Sterilization Process: What You Need to Know for 2016
By: Andrea Cook
Sterilization is one of the most important functions of any orthodontic practice. Andrea Cook provides up-to-date facts, administrative measures and hygiene etiquette established by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) in her article. She also takes an in-depth look into the difference between sterilization and disinfection, as both are crucial to keeping your patients safe and remaining compliant with the CDC guidelines.
Click here to read a sample version of the second quarter 2016 Bentson Clark reSource. Not a subscriber and want to learn more about the publication? Click here to visit our website.